"Arnolfini Wedding” by Van Eyck
"Arnolfini Wedding" is an oil painting created by Van Eyck. One would look at this painting and only see a man holding hands with a pregnant women. But looking much closer at the details in this painting you would notice the mirror in the back which has a reflection of what is in front of the pair. There is also two more figures in the mirror, including the painter. The women is not pregnant but she is holding her dress suggesting her desire to be. This is a painting of a marriage ceremony. The male figure has his right hand raised almost like he is taking an oath, while his left hand lays out holding the woman's hand without grasping it. It was said that this painting posed as a legal document witnessing a marriage. Van was recognized as perfecting the use of oil painting by the way he captured various diffused and direct lighting by the shadows reflected on the bed and on the chandelier.
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